Friday, November 22, 2013

Boho Cycle Studio


It's F R I D A Y! I just wanted to let you all in on my newest obsession- Boho Cycle Studio. It's an indoor cycling studio that opened not too long ago in Richmond. Honestly, to say I'm obsessed is an understatement. I have never been into fitness classes before, but was intrigued by the idea of of a cycle-only studio. It's so New York to have a place like this here in Richmond- hello, SoulCycle.

The building is this awesome shade of blue that makes me happy just looking at it. The instructors & staff are nothing short of amazing. The atmosphere is also very fun & relaxing. The classes are an hour long & you get the best workout in that amount of time.The music is always upbeat. It's literally 'a party on a bike'. Although it isn't glamorous, but you will leave drenched in sweat, which is the indication of a great workout. At the end of each class, you can cool down with a lavender-scented, refridgerated towel.

I only have good things to say about Boho. If you live in Richmond or visiting, I highly recommend getting your spin on here. Visit the web site for class schedules & more info!

Happy Weekend!!

All photos c/o Boho's Facebook page.



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